Sonntag, 6. April 2014

Fretting about Trans Iowa weather is almost an art form...

Da haben wir es, schwarz auf weiß!

Wenn ich manchmal gefragt werde, ob ich noch "Kunst mache", dann sage ich meistens: "Ja, sicher. Das Radfahren ist meine Kunst, den erweiterten Kunstbegriff vorausgesetzt," Und ich denke dabei an Joseph Beuys und Harry Kramer, in dessen "Atelier Kramer" ein Rennrad hing.

Guitar Ted schreibt in seinem aktuellen Friday News an Views- blog:

"Of course, now folks will be watching the weather forecasts with only three weeks to go. Right now the weather folk are predicting several warm days ahead of T.I.v10 with a definite cool down Saturday night and a cloudy, maybe even rainy end to things by Sunday afternoon. Of course, that will change three times a week till the event! Where the roulette wheel that is the weather ends up is anyone's guess. But still, it's fun to guess. is fun for me. I suppose for others it may be a terrifying prospect! Fretting about Trans Iowa weather is almost an art form for some folks, I am sure of that from what I've heard."

also: " Sorgen um das Trans Iowa - Wetter ist für manche Leute eine Kunstform"

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